I came across this new site (it's new to me by way of my new friend Amy) called Sassy Sites, and there is a fun linky party going on right now. This is for anyone who has had their blog less than a year. You just link up and you can go and visit all of these other awesome blogs out there! How fun!! :) I'm joining to meet new crafters, and I know a lot of people who I already follow have new blogs and this sounds like fun! My blog is now a little over two months old, I think anyway, hehe!
These are some questions on the blog, so I thought I would answer them! :) It's fun learning new things about our bloggy friends...
Why did you decide to start blogging? The main reason I started blogging was b/c I have always wanted a Blog, lol, Funny Right? I just got back into crafting (It's All Erica's Fault) and wanted to share my creations. I also love to help people enhance their lives & go green. So I'm working on this venture!
When you aren't blogging, what are you doing? I'm a busy SAHM Mommy. I organize a Large Catholic Mom's Group in Northeast Ohio. Another huge passion of mine is singing, so I'm now chairing the Music Ministry for the Stark Chapter of Magnificat.
What is your blog about? My blog is about Crafting Green, Saving Money by Re-using what you already have, or by getting things donated, or finding amazing deals for crafting stuff at garage sales, or thrift stores. In this silly economy, many people DON'T have the money to craft like they would like, so I'm showing other alternatives! --Also, I'm also going to start sharing with people how to make simple changes in their lives to go Green & ultimately enhance their lives.
When do you find the time to blog? I don't really have time to blog, but I'm sticking it in my down time (lol, that's a joke as a SAHM & wife, lol!). I have actually been staying up really late at night when I can think clearly b/c it's quiet!
Why do you love blogging? I love blogging b/c I get to share what I'm doing with others. I'm brand new at this, so I'm sure I will be able to find more reasons of why I love to blog later on!! Plus I LOVE LOVE LOVE all my new Friends, They are more then just Crafty Acquaintances!
What is your favorite post so far that you've written? I really enjoy sharing with People my AWESOME find on Craigslist! Another GREAT way to Craft Green! People in my area are ALWAYS selling crafting stuff!! Click Here to Check Out My AMAZING FIND!!
Well, that's it for now My Friends! Have a Fantastically Crafty Day!! I'm working on lots right now since my almost 4 yr old is at camp until next Friday with her Grandma & I only have my 2.5 year old!! Hopefully will get to work on my NEW craft Room! UGH--Wallpaper Removal Time!
Until Next Time- $$Craft Green to Save Green$$

Hello there! Saw you on Sassy Sites and thought I'd come give you some love :) I love to papercraft as well and love my Cricut! The cards you make are so sweet, good job!